coffee and cupcake\”Does caffeine make you hungry or suppress your appetite? Clarissa Leahy/Getty Images

When you need that afternoon pick-me-up, you instinctively grab a cup of joe. But does drinking that cup of coffee also make you grab a bag of chips, too, because it\’s giving you the munchies? The jury\’s still out on whether java has the same hunger-inducing properties as, say, marijuana, but several studies provide conflicting information about whether caffeine actually increases or decreases appetite.

For example, a 2014 study conducted by researchers in Germany and Austria seems to show caffeine curbs hunger. The study was small, and included just 84 people, who over the course of four weeks drank two different coffee blends with similar caffeine contents.

The study found that one of the two coffee blends increased the participants\’ serotonin, a hormone that curbs appetite and blocks neurons that increase appetite — and also decreased ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite. Study participants also lost body fat over the four weeks.

But another 2016 study published in the journal Appetite and conducted by researchers at State University of New York using mice showed doses of caffeine increased the food the mice ate, leading researchers to conclude caffeine increases appetite.

Finally, another 2014 study conducted by researchers at the School of Allied Health Sciences at Griffith University in Australia looked at whether mid-morning coffee breaks could curb appetite. It tested both decaf and regular coffee and found caffeine had no impact on hunger, though the researchers felt the topic needed more research.

So while scientific evidence is up in the air, most signs seem to show that caffeine helps to suppress your appetite, not encourage it. That could explain why many over-the-counter appetite suppressants contain caffeine.

But don\’t use that as a license to order with abandon at your favorite coffee shop. Remember, a lot of those coffee-based beverages have added sugar, cream and other ingredients that add calories and fill you up.

Now That\’s Interesting

Your body absorbs caffeine into your blood and tissues in about 45 minutes after you consume it. But it takes much longer for your body to get rid of it. In fact, it could take as long as 12 hours for the caffeine from that morning cup of coffee to be out of your system.

Caffeine Appetite FAQ

Is caffeine good for losing weight?

A moderate amount of caffeine, such as two to three cups of black coffee, may aid weight loss efforts by surpressing your appetite and boosting your metabolism ever so slightly.

What can I eat to suppress hunger?

Opt for a nutritious, protein-packed meal or snack that you eat mindfully, without distraction. Protein increases feelings of fullness until your next meal (buh-bye mindless snacking) and other nutrients and healthy fats will help you feel satisfied and provide what your body needs. Hunger is an important cue to pay attention to. What you should aim to do is listen to your body and fuel it with healthy, balanced foods.

What can I drink to suppress appetite?

While scientific studies can\’t seem to agree, anecdotal signs seem to show that caffeine helps suppress your appetite. Drinking a few cups of coffee may make you less likely to reach for that afternoon snack in the break room, but drinking too much has some negative side effects, so be careful about how much caffeine you consume. Drinking enough water can also affect appetite, as sometimes we mistake thirst cues for hunger cues and overeat.

Do caffeine pills suppress appetite?

That is exactly what many caffeine pill brands claim, but it\’s not necessarily true. Take caution when using caffeinated supplements to enhance weight loss as there can be a number of negative side effects.

Does coffee burn fat?

Likely, no. Two 2019 studies out of the University of Nottingham and UCLA School of Medicine suggest the possibility that caffeine consumption may indirectly aid weight loss, but it\’s a pretty big maybe at this point according to other researchers.


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