Rose wine has traditionally been overlooked in favor of red and white wines. \”Rose wine has traditionally been overlooked in favor of red and white wines. iStockphoto/Thinkstock

Let\’s be honest — when you think of rose wine, your dainty grandmother comes to mind, not your ultrachic girlfriends, and certainly not your strapping significant other. Rose\’s reputation for being sugary sweet has made it less popular among wine drinkers when compared with other top wine sellers, like pinot grigio and merlot.

What most people don\’t know is that many fine roses are fermented dry or unsweetened, far from being high in calories or saddled with a syrupy taste. And what is it about the color pink that turns men off before they take a single sip? It\’s really too bad, because the naysayers are truly missing out on a very satisfying wine.

The succulent flavor of a rose makes it a great match for spring and summer menus. Not only does rose wine have a delicious taste, but also, when consumed in moderation, it can actually benefit your health, too. So raise a glass while you uncover five rose wine nutrition facts you probably didn\’t know before.


  1. Rose's Ingredients
  2. Red Grapes and Antioxidants
  3. Rose, Red and Resveratrol
  4. Cardiovascular Benefits
  5. Does This Rose Make Me Look Fat?

5: Rose's Ingredients

Rose wine is usually made by blending red and white wine together. California winemakers commonly make rose with cabernet sauvignon, merlot, sangiovese, pinot noir and zinfandel, European winemakers typically make it from the red grape varieties traditionally grown in their home regions. Any red grape can be used for making fine pink wine.

While red wine is definitely the main ingredient in most rose wines, some white grapes may be blended for added flavor. The ingredients in these wines contain polyphenol antioxidants that may reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Spritz Up Your Soiree

Serve rose wine spritzers at your next soiree. First, mix edible flowers, two pitted plums and one chopped apple, dividing the mixture among several large wine glasses. Choose your favorite bottle of chilled rose wine and pour it over the flowers and fruit. As a finishing touch, add a splash of citrus-flavored sparkling water to each glass and enjoy!

4: Red Grapes and Antioxidants

Wine grapes contain antioxidants and other nutrients in their skins — a benefit for wine drinkers and their health. Antioxidants fight free radical damage in the body and can elevate good cholesterol. These helpful substances protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart, and scientists believe there could be a link between diets rich in antioxidants and the prevention of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Wine connoisseurs would argue that the best roses are produced using the "saignee" method, which means "bled" in French. The technique involves lightly crushing the grapes, leaving the skin-and-juice mixture to sit for 12 to 24 hours. During the fermentation process, pink juice is "bled" from the tank to separate it from grape skins, and the rest of the juice remains with the skins; this juice will eventually turn into red wine.

Not all rose wines are made using this method, but bottles of wine made from high-quality red grapes often contain a higher level of antioxidants.

What Does Drink in Moderation Really Mean?

Many health experts define a single drink as a 5-ounce glass of red or white wine, 12 ounces of regular beer or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits. Men should have no more than two drinks in a day, and women should consume no more than one drink per day.

3: Rose, Red and Resveratrol

Perhaps the most significant nutritional component of rose wine is resveratrol, a compound in the immune system of grapevines found primarily in the grape skins and seeds. It\’s heart-healthy and has been linked to reducing the risk of blood clots and protecting the body from diabetes and obesity.

Scientists also suggest that resveratrol found in grape skins can help fight carcinogens. Since winemakers usually strain the skins away from rose and white wines early in the production process, those wines contain lower levels of the favorable compound. However, roses made with fine red grapes will have traces of this beneficial antioxidant, so rest easy when drinking a chilled glass of pink wine. Consumed in moderation, it could give your health a boost!

It\’s All in a Name

While the French call pink wine "rose," Italians call it "rosata," and the Spanish refer to rose as "rosado."

2: Cardiovascular Benefits

Cheers! Rosé wine contains resveratrol, which may protect the body from cardiovascular disease.\”Cheers! Rosé wine contains resveratrol, which may protect the body from cardiovascular disease.iStockphoto/Thinkstock

Many scientists suggest that wine, especially red varieties, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Studies show that people who drink one-half to two standard drinks per day have a 25 to 30 percent lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease than nondrinkers. This finding is likely due to the presence of resveratrol, the powerful antioxidant that produces potent anti-thrombotic agents.

Of course, the best way to avoid cardiovascular disease is by eating healthy and exercising regularly — but according to scientists, that glass of wine with dinner won\’t hurt, either.

1: Does This Rose Make Me Look Fat?

Maybe it\’s the candy pink color or sugary sweet taste, but there\’s a common misconception that rose wine is high in calories. People might be stunned to find the opposite to be true — many roses are low in sugar, making it diet-friendly for anyone who\’s watching the scale.

A 5-ounce glass of pinot grigio has 122 calories, but rose wine has only 82. Those who stick to a low-carb diet will also be delighted to learn that rose wines are also usually low in carbohydrates; an average size glass has just 3 carbs per serving. Just think — with all the calories saved by choosing rose over white wine, you can enjoy a slice of cheesecake, too!

Did You Know?

Rose is best served slightly chilled, but not as cold as you would pour your favorite white wine.

Lots More Information

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  • Bauer, Joy. "Is Wine Good For You?" Today Health. June 4, 2008. (Jun. 21, 2011)
  • Gaffney, Jacob. "Health Q&A: Does Rose Have as Much Resveratrol as Red Wine?" Wine Spectator. May 3, 2007. (Jun. 22, 2011)
  • Morgan, Jeff. "Rose: A Guide to the World\’s Most Versatile Wine." Chronicle Books LLC. 2005.
  • Roberts, Eleanor. "Does Alcohol Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease?" Everyday Health. Sept. 10, 2009. (Jun. 21, 2011)


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